Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 2, 2014


General Introduction
1. Rationale
During the acquisition of any foreign language, the language learners have to
encounter a great number of difficulties due to the differences between the learners mother
tongue and the foreign language. The Vietnamese learners, who are interested in English, can
be taken as examples for these two languages belong to two different groups. Among
numerous difficulties hindering the Vietnamese acquisition of English, the concepts of voices
in general, passive voice in particular seems to be one of the core issues.
In this paper, the concepts of voice and passive voice are seen from a broader view with
two following reasons. Firstly, according to Asher R.E. (1994:4938), linguists use the term
voice in a number of senses and the broadest definition of voice encompassing a wide range
of grammatical constructions that are commonly thought to be quite distinct from those
related by the active - passive alternation. This means that the term voice in broader sense
does exist in all languages. Secondly, the term voice in a narrow sense refers to morphological
categories only. In such languages as English and Vietnamese, however, verbs do not have
distinct morphological categories for different voices. In English passive voice is expressed
with the syntactic constructions, involving a combination of the auxiliary verb be and the past
participle form of verbs. In Vietnamese, there is no verbal marking for different voices and
thus there is no active passive opposition reflected in the verb. Therefore, in these
languages, suggested by Asher R.E, the term voice can be defined in terms of syntactic
constructions with reference to specific grammatical characteristics. These are two reasons
why this paper has the title of A contrastive analysis of passive voice between English and
Vietnamese .
There are several studies of the passive voice in English and the passive contrast
between English and Vietnamese. These studies range from the negative effects of Vietnamese
words bị and đ ợc on the formation of English passive expressions (Đen, 2003) to
structural differences between the English and Vietnamese passive expressions (Hiền, 2000).
The authors of these researches have succeeded in comparing the English passive expressions
with the Vietnamese equivalents. These researches, however, neither confirm the existence of
the passive voice in Vietnamese nor point out the differences in factors decisive to passive
usage in two languages.
While the concepts of voices in general and passive voice in particular are familiar to
the English, these concepts are abstract to Vietnamese learners. The problems come from the
fact that passive voice is related to different areas from syntax, semantics and pragmatics as
Such questions really encourage me to do a comprehensive research on the differences
related to passive voice in English and the so - called passive expressions in Vietnamese.
The comprehensive research here means the approach from all three related aspects:
syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. In addition, as the title of thesis has implied, contrastive
analysis will focus on the differences between the English and Vietnamese passive
expressions on the ground of the similarity.
2. Aims of the study
The thesis is to contrast the passive constructions in English and in Vietnamese based
on the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features. Firstly, in the syntactic features, the thesis
will dealt with the compulsory and optional parts between the typical passive constructions in
two languages. Then in semantic features, the difference is drawn from the meaning of
different components in a passive expression namely passive markers, passive subjects.
Finally, the pragmatic features will be analyzed in two sub-groups: Information structure,
sentence focus and the pragmatic effects of the passive constructions. The final part helps to
see the relation between the passive constructions and other constructions in two languages
based on the pragmatic effects of agent demotion and non- agent promotion.
The research questions are as follows:
Related to syntactic features, the research is to answer the following questions:
+ What are the typical patterns of the passive sentences and passive noun phrases in
English and in Vietnamese?
+ Which parts are obligatory and optional ones in the passive expressions in two
+What are the differences in the obligatory and optional parts in the two languages?
When the semantic features are in concern, the study is to focus on the following
+ What are the extra meanings of Vietnamese passive markers? In addition, how do these
markers decide the subjectivity and objectivity of passive constructions in Vietnamese?
+ What is the decisive role of Noun type (animate/inanimate subject) towards the
formation of active/ passive expressions?
More over, the differences in pragmatics are the answers for the following questions:
+ What factors in the theory of information structure, sentence focus decide the choice of
passive/ active and passive/ other constructions in the two languages?
+ Which constructions are unified with the passive constructions based on the two major
pragmatic effects: agent demotion and patient promotion in two languages? This aim is
achieved from the comparison of each pragmatic effect in English passive construction with a
number of Vietnamese equivalents.
3. Scopes of the study
The research scope of the thesis is limited to the passive sentences and passive noun phrases.
The data is taken from the following novels: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
and the Vietnamese translated version Cuộc phiêu lu của Tom Soyơ by Nguỵ Mộng Huyền and
Hoàng Phơng, Thân phận tình yêu by Bảo Ninh and the translated version - The Sorrow of
War by Frank Palmos, Health Reports, Education Reports and Scientific Reports and the
translated versions in Sunflower, Special English.
4. Methods of the study
The main research methods include three techniques namely (1) description, (2) translation
and (3) deduction. The descriptive and deductive approach is applied in the theory revision to
come to the nature of passive voice in English and Vietnamese. The translation is used in the
contrast of the English passive noun phrase/ the Vietnamese passive noun phrase and the
pragmatic effect of the English passive/ Vietnamese equivalents
5. Design of the study
The paper is divided into three main parts: introduction, development, and conclusion.
Introduction - briefly introduces the rationale of the study, the aims of the study, scopes of
the study and methods of the study.
Development - has three chapters:
Chapter one - Theoretical background starts with the concept of voice in general and passive
voice in particular.
Chapter two - Passive voice in English deals with the English passive.
Chapter three - Vietnamese passive deals with the Vietnamese passive.
Chapter four - The contrastive analysis points out the difference in English and Vietnamese
passive constructions syntactically, semantically and pragmatically. The final part is to find
out the factors decisive to the choice between Vietnamese passive constructions and other
Vietnamese substitution structures.
Conclusion - summazies the achievement in the thesis and offers some suggestions for father
Chapter One: Theoretical Background
1.1 Introduction
This chapter is concerned with the theoretical background for the study. The first part
is devoted to the broad and narrow definition of voice viewed from semantics, syntax and
pragmatics . After that, the voice - related issue namely Information structure is analyzed. The
final part is the classification of the English verbs. The reason why this part is added here is
the fact that the English verbs have been thoroughly and extensively investigated, which
makes it a model for the verb classification in other languages in general and in Vietnamese in
1.2 Concept of voice
Asher R.E. (1994:4938) suggests, The term voice used by linguists can encompass
a wide range of grammatical constructions that are commonly thought to be distinct from
those related by the active-passive alteration. It is the great difference in these grammatical
constructions that hinders a cross linguistically valid definition of voice. According to the
authors of the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, the term voice, in a narrow sense,
refers to morphological categories. This characteristic can be found in languages like Greek
and Latin, which have three voices namely active, middle and passive in reference to three
categories of verbs. However, in English and Vietnamese, verbs do not have distinct
morphological categories for different voices. Therefore, in this thesis, the term voice is
understood in the broad definition and as Asher R.E believed, voices are defined in terms of
syntactic constructions with reference to specific grammatical characteristics and voice
can be understood as a system of correlation between semantic roles such as agent and
patient and between grammatical functions such as subjects and objects . This view of
passive voice is taken as the basis for the comparison and contrast of passive voice in the
1.3 Active voice and passive voice syntactically, semantically and pragmatically viewed
Two popular categories of voice are often known as the active and passive voice. In
general, voice oppositions are characterizable in terms of certain syntactic and semantic
features. As a point of departure, the active passive opposition is characterized at the
sentence- level as a system of correlation between grammatical functions such as the subject
and the object. In the syntactic aspect, the opposition between the active and passive voice can
be seen in the movement of constituents in the linear order. In the semantic aspect, it is the
correlation between semantic roles such as the agent and patient. Finally, in the pragmatic
aspect, the passive voice is in greater interest, which includes the pragmatic function and the
pragmatic aspect. The pragmatic function is related to the passive sentences frequency in
different texts. The pragmatic aspect is concerned with agent - demotion (agent - defocusing)
and non-agent promotion which unify passive constructions with other constructions such as
the plural (in English), the honorific (in French), the indefinite person constructions (in
1.4 Voice and related concepts
In this thesis, the concept in analysis is the information structure. The information unit
is a unit of information. The information unit is a structure made up of two functions, the New
and the Given. At the sentence level point, the New Information is the information considered
New to the hearer and the Old information is the already existing stock of knowledge in the
hearers mind.
In English, Passive constructions allow the New information at the following part of
the sentence as the late news, which follows the universal rule of the Given being followed by
the New information. This part is also the sentence focus with higher pitch in conversation.
1.5 English verbs
Under different approaches with different criteria, the system of English verbs is
differently classified under different labels. The main part presented here is taken from Quirk
R., et al (1972).
1.5.1 Classification of English verbs
Lexical, semi auxiliary and auxiliary verbs
The first division between the auxiliary, semi auxiliary and lexical verbs is based on
the grammatical functions in the verb phrase. The auxiliary is subdivided into the primary and
modal auxiliary. The division is illustrated in the following diagram.
In English, Voice is strictly related to auxiliary verbs. Some Auxiliary verbs like do,
have, be can be used as lexical verbs which have a wide range of forms including the present
participle and the past participle.
In the relation to the semi auxiliary and lexical verb, one interesting feature should
be noted here is the semantic difference under voice restriction when active sentences are
transformed into passive sentences (with the same or nearly the same meaning). The following
examples are taken from R. Quirk, et al. (1972: 87).
(1) The play was seen by him.
(2) The play happened to be seen by him.
(3) The play is expected to be seen by him.
The verb phrase in the sentence 1 consists of an auxiliary (was) and a lexical verb
(see). In the sentence 2, they is a semi auxiliary (happened) and a lexical verb (see). In the
last sentence, expect is a lexical verb plus an other lexical verb see.
These examples are taken to prove one point that all of three subdivisions of lexical
semi auxiliary and auxiliary verbs do exist in passive constructions. The auxiliary verb is a
compulsory part of the English typical passive constructions. With a semi auxiliary verb
(happened) and a lexical verb (expect), the passive constructions differ among themselves and
from the original sentence. The following sentence is taken as an example.
He expected to see the play (original sentence).
With expect there are four grammatically acceptable passive sentences.
English verb on grammatical function
walk, write, play
Semi auxiliary:
Have to, be bound to
do, have, be
can, may, shall, will,
ought to, used to,
need, dare.
The play was expected to be seen by him.
It was expected of him to see the play.
It was expected that he would see the play.
It was expected that the play would be seen.
However, these sentences are entirely different in meaning from the original sentence
He expected to see the play. Whereas the two following sentences are close in meaning.
He happened to see the play.
The play happened to be seen by him.
From the above example, the similarity between the semi -auxiliary verbs and the
auxiliary verbs are obvious in two points. Firstly, they form a unit with infinitive (i.e. their
head) which is sufficiently close to admit the transformation from the active form into the
passive form in the head. Secondly, the semi-auxiliary verbs and the auxiliary verbs allow the
passive only in the non-finite head.
Transitive and Intransitive verbs
An other way of verb classification is based on the object government capability. The
concept of voice is always related to the transitive verbs. This part deals with the question
what the transitive verb is and whether or not all transitive verbs can come in passive forms.
According to R. Quirk, et al. (1980), the English verbs basically can be divided into the
transitive verbs (which accept objects) and intransitive verbs (which do not permit any type of
object or complement)
If the transitive verbs permit indirect objects, they will be classified as ditransitive
verbs. Some transitive verbs have object complements and these are to be distinguished as
complex-transitive ones. Three following sentences are seen as examples:
She made a cake (transitive verb).
She made him a cake (ditransitive verb).
She made him have a cake (complex transitive verb).
According to, Sinclair, al. (1990) related to transitive/ intransitive verbs, there are
reporting verbs, reflexive verbs and ergative verbs. Reporting verbs are classified as transitive
verbs because the reported clauses are considered as the objects as in the sentence She said
that she would come.
In the case of reflexive verbs, reflexive pronouns are objects. In the following example
He prefers to shave himself before breakfast, the reflexive pronouns is an object.
Finally, ergative verbs can be classified as either transitive (with the object) or
intransitive (with the subject). In the two following sentences, the same verb is classified
differently. In the sentence He broke the vase, the verb is a transitive one while in the sentence
The vase broke, the verb is an intransitive verb.
One interesting point is not all transitive verbs can come in the passive form. Some
transitive verbs never come in passive forms like reflexive verbs and other verbs like fit,
resemble, have, own.
1.5.2 Tense, aspect and mood of English verbs
Tense and Aspect
The English Tense and Aspect are often realized in finite verb phrases. Tense refers to
the relationship between the form of verbs and the concept of time. According to R. Quirk, et
al. (1972: 83-92 ) there are two tenses in English: present tense and past tense.
Aspect refers to the manner in which the verb action is regarded or experienced.
English has two sets of aspectual contrast perfective versus non-perfective and progressive
versus non-progressive.
Simple Perfect Progressive
Present V/V s
Be: am, are, is
Have/has+Ved Am/is/are+Ving Have/has
Past V-ed
Be: was, were
Had+Ved Was/were+Ving Had been+Ving
The combination of the English tenses and aspects produces the following table:
Among these subdivisions, the perfect progressive rarely used in the passive forms.
The future forms in English consists of the future simple will/shall+infinitive, the
future continuous, the future perfect, the future perfect continuous and some grammatical,
lexical means like be going to, be about to. Among different future forms, the future
continuous and future perfect continuous are rarely in the passive forms.
Mood shows the speakers attitude towards the action. English Mood is realized with
three moods: Indicative, imperative and subjective, which respectively consist of declarative
sentences question, imperative sentences and clause containing recommendation,
resolution, and surprise. The following sentences are taken as examples of three moods:
(Indicative) He is coming.
Will he come?
(Imperative) Be quiet.
(Subjunctive) God save the Queen.
The indicative is involved with the tense and aspect of verbs. The relation between the
mood of indicative and the voice of passive has been shown above. As for the imperative and
subjunctive, if transformed into passive, the sentences in these two moods do need changes in
constructions. The following example is in the imperative mood.
Do not touch the switch.
The switch must not be touched.
The subjunctive mood has two forms: the present subjunctive and the past subjunctive.
While the present subjunctive is rarely in the passive form, the past subjunctive sentences are
often known as unreal past and often transformed as conditional sentences.
1.5.3 Phrases and clauses
Based on the structure, there are six types of phrases and three types of clauses. With
the different heads of Noun, Verb, Adjective, Preposition and Adverb, there are five groups of
phrases: Noun phrase, Verb phrase, Adjective phrase, Prepositional phrase, Adverb phrase and
there are three main clauses: Finite, non-finite and verb less clause. In this thesis, the main
concern is on the English verb phrase, and Finite/ Non-finite clauses only.
According to Richards, J. (1990:53), A phrase is a group of words which form a
grammatical unit. A phrase does not have a subject predicate structure. Phrases are
usually classified according to their central word or head .
Quirk, R. et al. classifies English verb phrases into two categories: Finite verb phrase
phrase and non-finite verb phrase. Voice is associated with the Finite verb phrases only.

Xem chi tiết: Acknowledgements

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