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Display 2.1
Variables and Assignments
Variables are like small blackboards
We can write a number on them
We can change the number
We can erase the number
C++ variables are names for memory locations
We can write a value in them
We can change the value stored there
We cannot erase the memory location
Some value is always there
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Variables names are called identifiers
Choosing variable names
Use meaningful names that represent data to
be stored
First character must be
a letter
the underscore character
Remaining characters must be
underscore character
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Keywords (also called reserved words)
Are used by the C++ language
Must be used as they are defined in
the programming language
Cannot be used as identifiers
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Declaring Variables (Part 1)
Before use, variables must be declared
Tells the compiler the type of data to store
Examples: int number_of_bars;
double one_weight, total_weight;
int is an abbreviation for integer.
could store 3, 102, 3211, -456, etc.
number_of_bars is of type integer
double represents numbers with a fractional
could store 1.34, 4.0, -345.6, etc.
one_weight and total_weight are both of type double
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Declaring Variables (Part 2)
Immediately prior to use
int main()
int sum;
sum = score1 + score 2;
return 0;
At the beginning
int main()
int sum;
sum = score1 +
return 0;
Two locations for variable declarations
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Declaring Variables (Part 3)
Declaration syntax:
Type_name Variable_1 , Variable_2, . . . ;
Declaration Examples:
double average, m_score, total_score;
double moon_distance;
int age, num_students;
int cars_waiting;
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Assignment Statements
An assignment statement changes the value of a variable
total_weight = one_weight + number_of_bars;
total_weight is set to the sum one_weight + number_of_bars
Assignment statements end with a semi-colon
The single variable to be changed is always on the left
of the assignment operator ‘=‘
On the right of the assignment operator can be
Constants age = 21;
Variables my_cost = your_cost;
Expressions circumference = diameter * 3.14159;
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Assignment Statements and Algebra
The ‘=‘ operator in C++ is not an equal sign
The following statement cannot be true in
number_of_bars = number_of_bars + 3;
In C++ it means the new value of
is the previous value of number_of_bars plus 3
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Initializing Variables
Declaring a variable does not give it a value
Giving a variable its first value is initializing the variable
Variables are initialized in assignment statements
double mpg; // declare the variable
mpg = 26.3; // initialize the variable
Declaration and initialization can be combined
using two methods
Method 1
double mpg = 26.3, area = 0.0 , volume;
Method 2
double mpg(26.3), area(0.0), volume;
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Section 2.1 Conclusion
Can you
Declare and initialize two integers variables to zero?
The variables are named feet and inches.
Declare and initialize two variables, one int and one
Both should be initialized to the appropriate form of 5.
Give good variable names for identifiers to store
the speed of an automobile?
an hourly pay rate?
the highest score on an exam?
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