Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 3, 2014

Tài liệu Family Life Education: Teaching Youth about Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS ppt

4 Christian Family Life Education: Teaching Youth
Session 5. My Changing Body 45
Step 1. Welcome and Reflection 45
Step 2. Mirror Me 46
Step 3. My Changing Body — What Is Puberty? 47
Step 4. Body Mapping My Physical Changes 47
Step 5. Emotional and Social Changes 50
Step 6. More about the Female Body 51
Step 7. More about the Male Body 53
Step 8. Talking about Puberty 54
Step 9. Sex versus Gender 55
Step 10. Take-Home Messages 56
Step 11. Closing 57
Session 6. Sex and Sexuality 59
Step 1. Welcome and Reflection 59
Step 2. Seat Exchange 60
Step 3. Understanding Ourselves Even More 60
Step 4. Talking More about Sexual Activity 62
Step 5. Why Wait to Have Sex? 63
Step 6. Take-Home Messages 64
Step 7. Closing 65
Session 7. Communicating and Making Decisions 67
Step 1. Welcome and Reflection 68
Step 2. Muddled Messages 68
Step 3. How We Communicate 69
Step 4. Let’s Communicate 70
Step 5. What Does It Mean to Say No? 71
Step 6. Saying No and Meaning It 72
Step 7. Using Delay Tactics 76
Step 8. Human Knot 78
Step 9. Making Decisions 78
Step 10. Take-Home Messages 80
Step 11. Closing 81
Session 8. Saying No to Sex 83
Step 1. Welcome and Reflection 84
Step 2. Spider’s Web 84
Step 3. My Dreams 85
Step 4. What Is Abstinence? 86
Step 5. The Story of Joseph 87
Step 6. The Story of David 88
Step 7. A Sea of Mixed Messages 89
Step 8. How to Say No and Mean It 89
Step 9. Having an Abstinence Strategy 92
Step 10. Take-Home Messages 93
Step 11. Closing 93
Session 9. Pregnancy Prevention 95
Step 1. Welcome and Reflection 95
Step 2. How Does a Woman Become Pregnant? 96
Step 3. What Is Family Planning? 98
Step 4. Take-Home Messages 101
Step 5. Closing 101
Session 10. Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS 103
Step 1. Welcome and Reflection 104
Step 2. The Basics of STIs 104
Step 3. Understanding HIV/AIDS 107
Step 4. How Fast Can HIV Spread? 108
Step 5. Fact versus Myth 110
Step 6. The ABCs of Prevention 112
Step 7. More about Mother-to-Child Transmission 113
Step 8. Getting Tested and Treated for HIV 114
Step 9. The Stigmatized and Stigmatizer 117
Step 10. Living with HIV/AIDS in Your Community 118
Step 11. Take-Home Messages 120
Step 12. Closing 121
Session 11. Defending Myself from Danger 123
Step 1. Welcome and Reflection 124
Step 2. Jumbling the Senses 124
Step 3. Alcohol and Drugs 125
Step 4. Community Mapping 126
Step 5. The Lesson of Lot’s Daughters 127
Step 6. What Would You Say? 128
Step 7. Why People Abuse Alcohol and Drugs 128
Step 8. Defining Sexual Violence and Abuse 129
Step 9. Good Touch, Bad Touch 130
Step 10. Protecting Myself from Sexual Violence and Abuse 131
Step 11. Take-Home Messages 132
Step 12. Closing 132
Session 12. Bringing It All Together 133
Step 1. Welcome and Reflection 133
Step 2. CFLE-Y Review 134
Step 3. Closing 142
Step 4. Farewell Party 142
References 143
6 Christian Family Life Education: Teaching Youth
Family Health International (FHI)/YouthNet is committed to the ideal that young
people have a right to access reproductive health and HIV/AIDS information and
services, which leads to greater understanding of their own bodies and sexuality.
FHI/YouthNet is currently working around the world to improve the reproductive
health and HIV prevention behaviors of youth ages 10 to 24.
The manual aims to empower youth to avoid the consequences of unplanned preg-
nancy, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV/AIDS. Specifically, this curriculum
is designed to assist Christian faith-based institutions in preparing young people to
gain the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need to understand their reproductive
health and make healthy and responsible sexual decisions.
While the manual reflects and builds on the work of other youth curricula, FHI/
YouthNet is particularly indebted to the work of several faith-based institutions
in Namibia who provided the inspiration for the creation of this tool to support
young people in the Christian community: Change of Life Style (COLS) Project, the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN), and the German Evangelical
Lutheran Church (GELC). They graciously allowed us to draw on the two curri-
cula that they have developed over the past three years, with support from FHI/
YouthNet and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Namibia.
In 2004 and 2005, field-testing of various sections of this manual took place in
Namibia as part of activities with COLS, ELCIN, and GELC. FHI/YouthNet
greatly appreciates the many adult facilitators and young people in the Oshana,
Khomas, and Erongo regions of Namibia who participated in the field-testing.
We are especially grateful to the staff of FHI/Namibia: Rose de Buysscher, Taimi
Amaambo, Brian Goercke, and Lucy Steinitz. Their support of this global publica-
tion and technical assistance with early drafts were invaluable.
FHI/YouthNet is thankful for the energy and dedication of those staff involved
in providing a technical review of the manual: William Finger, JoAnn Lewis,
Hally Mahler, and Ed Scholl. Their feedback and valuable comments helped to
strengthen the curriculum.
We are also grateful to USAID for its generous support and funding of this project
and for the important guidance and insight they provided in the development of
the manual. In particular, the authors wish to acknowledge Ann Lion and Mahua
Mandal, FHI/YouthNet’s Cognizant Technical Officer and Reproductive Health
Technical Advisor, respectively, for their review of the final product.
Many thanks go to Karen Dickerson of FHI for her work in copyediting the man-
ual and creating its graphic design. We are grateful for her commitment and vision
and for the great care and high level of professionalism with which she carried the
project through to its final stage.
Finally, our deepest gratitude goes to the facilitators who will use this manual in
their work with young people. We hope our efforts will assist them to have an
immediate and long-lasting impact on the reproductive health and well-being of
youth worldwide.
Why a Faith-based Curriculum for Youth?
The church has long been a safe environment that organizes and sponsors
activities for young people. Christian institutions are places where moral values
are formed and strengthened, self-esteem is cultivated, and life’s lessons are
taught using the Bible.
In the public health field, research has found that a connection to religion is a
protective factor for youth in terms of healthy behaviors in the future. Youth
often go to church and expect direction and leadership from adults. Yet, many
Christian communities lack training curricula or other resources to guide and
teach youth about reproductive health and HIV/AIDS.
To address the needs of faith-based organizations to reach youth with effec-
tive reproductive health and HIV/AIDS training materials, FHI/YouthNet has
produced Family Life Education: Teaching Youth about Reproductive Health
and HIV/AIDS from a Christian Perspective. This manual has two purposes:
1) to educate youth about reproductive health and HIV/AIDS issues; and 2) to
provide adult facilitators with an evidence-based training resource that helps
them to communicate more effectively with youth about these issues, within
the context of shared faith.
The manual is intended to encourage open discussion about sexuality, reproduc-
tive health, and HIV/AIDS within a faith-based environment. It provides a forum
for youth to clarify Christian values about reproductive health and HIV/AIDS
prevention, care, and treatment, while provid-
ing accurate technical information on these
topics. It is not designed to promote religion.
Because discussing sexuality with young peo-
ple is taboo in many communities, includ-
ing faith communities, the manual includes
many Bible passages as a way to frame dis-
cussions in language that is comfortable to
Christians. The Bible passages are optional
and may help youth and adult facilitators
reflect on challenging issues. They are not
put forward as evidence of a particular point of view or public health informa-
tion. Bible passages have different meanings to different readers and should be
used as one method of reflecting on the material presented in this curriculum.
The manual is intended for use by any church or organization wanting to build
the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of young people related to reproductive
health and HIV/AIDS. Appropriate participants for the training program are
youth ages 10 to 16. Potential adult facilitators include pastors, priests, dea-
cons, nuns, religious teachers, youth leaders, choir leaders, and parents.
Source for Bible Passages
All Bible passages used in this manual are from
the New International Version Bible, completed
in 1978 and revised in 1984. This translation was
completed by more than 100 scholars working
from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic, and
Greek texts. It is widely accepted for its clarity and
ease of reading.
8 Christian Family Life Education: Teaching Youth
Christian-based organizations are encouraged to sponsor the use of this
manual as a way to help meet the needs of young people in their communities.
Implementation of this curriculum has the potential to help youth maintain or
positively change their reproductive health and HIV prevention behaviors, seek
more services, develop positive attitudes, and improve self-esteem. The manual
may also help to stimulate dialogue in the communities in which it is used.
Structure of the Manual
The manual contains 12 sessions. Each session is devoted to a particular topic:
Session 1. Getting Started
Session 2. Who Am I?
Session 3. What Are My Values?
Session 4. Building Healthy Relationships
Session 5. My Changing Body
Session 6. Sex and Sexuality
Session 7. Communicating and Making Decisions
Session 8. Saying No to Sex
Session 9. Pregnancy Prevention
Session 10. Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS
Session 11. Defending Myself from Danger
Session 12. Bringing It All Together
Each session contains:
Purpose of the Session — Brief explanation of the overall goal of the session.
Session Time — Schedule to
guide the length of the session.
Depending on the number of
participants and other factors,
the time needed for each activity
could vary. Most sessions should
take between two to four hours
to complete. It is important to work at the pace of the participants.
Objectives — Specific skills and abilities the participants will gain from the
Materials — Items that need to be gathered before the session.
Before You Begin — Directions for what to do before starting the session.
Steps — Separate activities that comprise the session and should be fol-
lowed in order. Instructions are provided for each step. The number of
steps for each session varies. However, every session includes a “Welcome
and Reflection,” “Take-Home Messages” (points to review with the partici-
pants at the end of the session), and “Closing.”
Notes — Special notes for the facilitator on how to present certain steps.
Note: The sessions vary in length. Be aware of
this fact as you plan the amount of time for each
meeting — some sessions may need to be divided
into two parts.
Preparing for the Sessions
Depending on the time available, the best way for the manual to be taught is
over a series of weeks. Ideally, participants will meet once or twice per week
over the course of two to four months. Each session should be followed in
consecutive order, but the amount of time between each session can vary based
on program needs.
Some of the material discussed in this manual is sensitive, and participants
will likely want privacy. Where you choose to hold the sessions is critical. If
possible, select a quiet, safe place where the participants will not be viewed,
overheard, or interrupted by outsiders. Use a room that:
Holds 20 to 30 participants
Has chairs for each participant and tables or desks on which to write
Has space for participants to move around
Has walls on which to post flip chart paper
Has a stand or place on which to write or post flip charts
Try to ensure that the sessions are held at a location convenient to participants’
homes. We strongly encourage providing snacks and drinks to motivate the
participants and keep their energy levels high.
Before each session, prepare the specific materials, flip charts, and photocopies
listed at the beginning of each session.
As you prepare to implement the curriculum, remember that the material was
developed for a global audience. It is intended to be adapted as needed and as
appropriate to the local environment, cultural context, and specific needs of
youth. You may also choose to translate some parts into a local language.
Facilitation Tips and Techniques
Talking with young people about the process of growing up takes courage. In
many societies, people are taught not to discuss subjects such as sex, sexuality,
and reproductive health. But, not talking about them can lead to more myths and
misinformation. To make this program a success, you need to overcome any fears
or discomforts you may have about discussing sex, sexuality, the human body,
reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS. Doing so will contribute toward creating an
atmosphere of openness and trust for participants. Much of the manual consists
of involving participants in the following kinds of activities: brainstorming, large-
group discussions, role-plays, small-group exercises, stories, and games. Before
beginning to work with this manual, you should prepare yourself. Below are
some recommendations to help you successfully implement this course:
Identify and understand the beliefs and values of youth participants
and yourself. Do you remember how it felt to be a young person? Do
you remember what it was like to learn about sex and sexuality? Think
about what participants must be feeling as they grow up. Pay attention
10 Christian Family Life Education: Teaching Youth
to your own beliefs and values. Doing so will make you a much more
effective facilitator.
Create a nonjudgmental environment where participants’ values are
respected. Accept all participants’ comments and questions. Let them know
that their concerns and opinions are valid and worthwhile.
Be enthusiastic. Help young people develop positive and healthy attitudes
about sex, sexuality, the human body, reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS
by setting the tone of the learning experience. Maintain a positive approach
to the normal process of growing up. No matter how objective adults are
trying to be, youth notice negative feelings and attitudes. How something is
presented is often more powerful than what is said.
Always be prepared. Before each session, read all the session steps and
content. This will help you to prepare for any questions about a particular
topic. Do not be afraid to say that you do not know something, and offer
to find out.
Help to make participants feel comfortable. Avoid causing anyone poten-
tial embarrassment. Do not make participants answer a question that they
feel uncomfortable answering. Ask the participants to share their own
experiences, examples, and testimonies as much as possible. Check with
participants throughout the sessions to ensure understanding.
Be flexible in your facilitation. Keep to the schedule but adjust as needed.
Be willing to incorporate unplanned but highly valuable discussions, which
may require that other activities are shortened.
Provide opportunities for participants to ask questions anonymously. For
some participants, this is the easiest way to express their concerns. One
way to do this is to give participants time to write down questions and
deposit them in a “Question Box.” Then answer the questions later for the
entire group.
Identify resource persons. If you are not comfortable facilitating a par-
ticular topic, or feel you do not have adequate information, invite a guest
speaker to the session. Examples include a doctor, nurse, HIV-positive
person, recovering drug or alcohol addict, or pastor from your church.
Boys and Girls: Together or Separate?
All of the sessions are designed to maximize the participation of boys and girls
together. However, some of the topics in this manual can be difficult to discuss,
such as Session 5. My Changing Body. Separating boys and girls for such ses-
sions may enable them to feel more comfortable talking about their specific ques-
tions and concerns. After reading this manual, you might believe that boys and
girls should be separated in some or all of the other sessions. In many cultures,
girls and boys, and men and women, traditionally do not talk about sexuality
and reproductive health issues with each other. In such settings, both boy and
girls will likely be embarrassed to speak or participate in the activities together.
Therefore, you may decide to conduct the sessions with girls and boys separately.
Promoting participation should be your first priority. Whether this means
separating boys and girls for the whole or part of the manual is your deci-
sion and should be based on the culture and society in which you are lead-
ing this program.
Keeping the Community Informed
Keeping parents, community members, and other stakeholders informed about
the program from start to finish is essential. Describing how the program began
and what the goals of the program are will help them to better understand
what is taught and what messages young people are receiving. It is critical
that adults and youth in the community also understand that providing young
people with age-appropriate, factual information within the context of their
faith and values will help to build healthier relationships and stronger families
in the future.
Referring Participants for Further Help
Boys and girls often have questions or concerns that they might not want to
share during the sessions. There are many people who can act as counselors
or advisors to youth: health providers, teachers, religious leaders, community
leaders, school principals, and relatives. Throughout the course, it is impor-
tant to stress that participants should contact you or other adults whom they
trust to discuss any of the information presented in the manual. You should
also mention existing local referral systems that address issues or concerns that
participants raise.
12 Christian Family Life Education: Teaching Youth
Session 1 13
Session 1. Getting Started
Purpose of the Session
The purpose of this session is to help the participants feel comfortable with
each other and begin to form a group identity for the youth program that
is based on the curriculum, Family Life Education: Teaching Youth about
Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS from a Christian Perspective, also called
the CFLE-Y program.
Flip chart stand and paper
Blank sheets of writing paper
Pens or pencils
Prepared flip chart for Step 7 (page 17)
Bible (for reference)
Before You Begin
Carefully read all content for the session.
Read each step of the session. Think about how you will present each step
and what materials you will need.
Identify which steps will need to be prepared in advance and complete the
necessary tasks.
Review any additional information that will help you to better prepare for
the session.
Check local resources for materials related to this session that could be
distributed to youth — be proactive!
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
Identify the names of fellow participants
Briefly describe the CFLE-Y program
Name at least three ground rules
List their expectations for the CFLE-Y program
2 hours
10 mins.

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