OLM World Class Web Hosting E-commerce and Custom Internet Solutions
Summary 38
Chapter 5 - Lists
List Elements 40
Unordered List 40
Ordered List 41
Definition List 42
Nesting Lists 42
Exercise – Ordered List 43
Optional Exercises 44
Review Questions 45
Summary 46
Chapter 6 - Images
Supported Image Formats 48
GIF 48
GIF Interlacing 48
GIF Transparency 48
GIF Animated 48
Limited Support or Non-Supported Image Formats 49
Inserting Images <IMG> 50
Additional Image Attributes 50
Horizontal Space HSPACE 50
Vertical Space VSPACE 50
HTML Tip: Images 50
Exercise 1 51
Optional Exercise 51
Review Questions 52
Summary 53
Chapter 7 - Anchors, URLs and Image Maps
Link Elements <A Href=> </A> 55
Link Types 55
Internal Links 55
Local Links 55
External Links 55
URLs – Uniform Resourced Locators 56
HTTP – HyperText Transport Protocol 56
FTP – File Transfer Protocol 56
News – News Groups 56
Gopher 57
E-mail 57
Telnet – Remote Terminal Emulation 57
Internal Links 58
HTML Tip: Links
Image Maps 59
Server-side Image Maps
Client-side Image Maps 60
Exercise – Mailto and HTTP Link 61
Review Questions 62
Summary 63
Chapter 8 - Tables
Tables <TABLE> </TABLE> 65
Table Attributes 66
Table Captions 67
Table Header 67
HTML Tip: Centering Tables 69
Exercise – Add and customize a table 70
Review Questions 71
Summary 72
Table of Contents
HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 the ultimate web development tool
Chapter 9 - Frames
Frames 74
Frames Architecture 75
Creating a Frames Page 76
Frameset 76
Other Attributes of the FRAMESET Element 77
Frame 78
Noframes 79
Targets 81
Special Targets 82
Exercise – Using a Framed page 83
Exercise – Creating a link in a framed environment 83
Review Questions 84
Summary 85
Chapter 10 - Forms
Forms <FORM> </FORM> 87
Form Attributes 88
HTML Tip: Forms 88
Form Elements 89
Textboxes 89
Password boxes 90
Check boxes 91
Radio/Option Button 91
File Upload 92
Push button 92
Submit button 93
Image submit button 93
Reset Button 93
Text area 94
Select 95
Drop down list 95
List box 95
Options 95
Common Gateway Interface - CGI 96
CGI Scripts 96
Section 3.2.a: Simple CGI Program 97
Section 3.2.b: Three-Tier Web Application Development 98
Section 3.2.c: Four-Tier Web Application Development 99
Exercise – Creating an Order Form 100
Review Questions 113
Summary 114
Chapter 11 - JAVA and JAVAScript Introduction
JAVA 116
Applet 116
Applet Attributes 116
<PARAM> Element 116
JAVAScript 118
Exercise – Inserting a JAVA Applet 120
Optional Exercise 121
Review Questions 122
Summary 123
Chapter 13 - ActiveX Objects and VBScript introduction
ActiveX Support 125
<OBJECT> 125
VBScript 128
Exercise – Adding an ActiveX Object to a page 129
Optional Exercise – Adding VBScript to a page 130
Review Questions 131
Table of Contents
OLM World Class Web Hosting E-commerce and Custom Internet Solutions
Summary 132
Chapter 14 - Special Elements
Uses of the Meta Element 134
Client Pull, Server Push 134
Description 134
Keywords 134
Author 134
Company 135
Copyright 135
Adding sound to an HTML page 136
Embed 136
BGSound 136
Marquee 137
Blink 137
Exercise – Adding Client Pull, Server Push 138
Optional Exercise 139
Review Questions 140
Summary 141
Chapter 15 - Page Layout and Design Considerations
Technical Design Considerations 143
Screen Resolution 143
Color Depth 143
Document Size vs. Download Time 144
Page Loading – HTTP 1.0 vs. HTTP 1.1 145
Browser Compatibility & Quirks 145
Page layout 146
Page Layout Guidelines 146
Site Design Factors and Criteria 148
Site Layout and Navigation 148
Review Questions 149
Summary 150
Chapter 16 - Cascading Style Sheets
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets 152
Inline Styles 153
Embedded Style Sheets 154
Linked Style sheets 156
Classes 157
IDs 158
DIV and SPAN 159
Cascading and Inheritance 160
Exercise – Inline Styles 162
Exercise – Embedded Styles 163
Exercise – Linking in a Cascading Style Sheet 164
Exercise – Editing a Cascading Style Sheet 165
Review Questions 166
Summary 167
HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 the ultimate web development tool
In this chapter you will be introduced to the concepts of linear media and
hypermedia. You will learn about HTML and the basics of document
Upon completing this section, you should be able to
1. Explain hypermedia vs. linear media
2. Define HTML
3. Describe the Basic Document Structure
4. Identify the sub-elements of the header
OLM World Class Web Hosting E-commerce and Custom Internet Solutions
Linear Media
Linear media is a term used to describe any media where there is a
defined beginning and a linear progression to the end. Forms of linear
media such as movies, audio and videotapes, and most books are
organized with this expectation. The World Wide Web, however, is
organized very differently.
Hypermedia is where the user simply selects the next item of interest and
is immediately transported to that new location. A good example is an
audio CD where you can choose song 5 and listen to it almost
immediately. Contrast this with an audiotape where you would have to
scan through from your current location on the tape to the beginning of the
When this concept is applied to text you get
, where by
on a link or hotspot (hyperlink) you are immediately transported
to a new location within the same page or to a new page altogether.
When you interlink a large number of pages of text on different computers
all over the world, you get a spider web-like system of links and pages.
This is known as the World Wide Web – a system whereby pages stored
on many different web servers, connected to the Internet, are linked
The system is useful because all of the pages are created in the same
format. This format or “language” is called HTML, (Hypertext Markup
Language) a subset of an international standard for electronic document
exchanged called SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language).
In this class you will be introduced to the format of an HTML page, you will
learn about the components that make up HTML, and how to create pages
that can be published on the World Wide Web.
HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 the ultimate web development tool
What is HTML Markup?
HTML is a set of logical codes (markup) in parentheses that constitute the
appearance of a web document and the information it contains.
This text would appear bold in the browser
The codes are enclosed by less than “
”, and greater than “
” brackets.
These bracketed codes of the markup are commonly referred to as tags.
HTML codes are always enclosed between brackets and are not case-
sensitive; meaning, it does not matter whether you type them in upper
case or lower case. However, tags are easier to recognize in a web
document if they are capitalized.
Most elements have an opening element (tag) and a closing element (tag)
distinguished by the “
” inside the “
” opening bracket.
The first word or character that appears inside the “
” opening bracket is
called the
. An element is a command that tells the browser to do
something, such as
Words that follow the element and are contained inside the “
” bracket of
the opening tag are called
. Attributes are not repeated or
contained in the closing element (tag).
Confused? Attributes are another
way of describing the element’s properties. For instance, a t-shirt can have
several properties or “attributes” – the t-shirt’s color, size, material etc. are
all attributes.
Attributes that appear to the right of the element are separated by a
space, and followed by an equal sign. The
of the attribute is
contained in quotes. In the following example the element is FONT, the
attribute is COLOR, and the value of that attribute is BLUE.
This text would be blue
Most HTML elements have more than one attribute.
This text would be blue and
one size larger than normal
OLM World Class Web Hosting E-commerce and Custom Internet Solutions
Document Structure
The way a document is marked up with elements and their attributes is
according to a Document Type Definition (DTD). These are the rules that
govern the way in which a document can be marked up.
The authoritative source for information about HTML and the HTML DTD
is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at The
World Wide Web Consortium is a not-for-profit organization that
coordinates the evolution of the Web. It includes the Internet Engineering
Task Force, the group of people who make recommendations for new
A Basic Document
An element called
surrounds the whole document. This element
contains two sub-elements,
. These elements are
required to form any HTML document.
HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 the ultimate web development tool
has sub-elements that define header material:
document title. The title of your document is what appears
in a web browser’s Favorite or Bookmark list. Your document’s title
should be as descriptive as possible. Search engines on the
Internet use the document’s title for indexing purposes.
can be used to record the document's location in the form
of a URL. The URL recorded here may be used to resolve a relative
URL (necessary if the document is not accessed in its original
indicates to the browser that the document is an index
document. This is used only if the document is on a server that
does indexing.
indicates a relationship between this document and some
other object on the Web.
provides information such as the page’s keywords and
description that appears in HTTP headers.
contains either JAVA Script or VB Script
contains information used by cascading style sheets
the remaining HTML elements are contained within these tags.
a framed document is formatted differently than a basic document and is
discussed in the advanced section of this course.
OLM World Class Web Hosting E-commerce and Custom Internet Solutions
Review Questions
1. What does HTML stand for?
2. What is an Element?
3. What are the Attributes of an Element?
4. What are the three basic elements of an HTML document?
5. What are the elements that can be contained in the header of the
HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 the ultimate web development tool
As a result of this chapter, you should be able to
Explain hypermedia vs. linear media
Define HTML
Describe the Basic Document Structure
Identify the sub-elements of the header
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