Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 5, 2014

11 NC (Tuan 12,13)


Date 5 month 11 ye
ar 2008
Period 3: Listening.
I. Objective .
- Help Ss know some infornation about Brunei
- By the end of the lesson: Ss are able to listen and undersatand the message
II. Teaching aids:
cassette and record.
III. Method:
Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm - up
Asks them to draw a graph of the
population of Vietnam in recent
Discuss in groups.
Go to the board and write in two
minutes only
2. New Lesson
2. 1 Before listening
♦ Task a
- Having Ss work in pairs.
- Calls them to stand up and read.
1. Where is Brunei?

2. Is it a large country?

3. What is the Capital?
- Work in pairs.
- Stand up and read out.
→In Southeast Asia, on the
Northern coast of the island of
→No, it isn’t. it’s a small country.
→Bandar Seri Begawan.
2.2. While listening
♦ task b
- Asks them to listen and complete
the table about Brunei.
- Play the cassette the first time.
- Checks their answers.
- Plays the second time.
- Checks their answers.
- Plays the third time slowly,
sentence by sentence.
- Give correct answers.
- Ask them to compare with their
- Listen and do the task.
- Listen and do.
- Listen and correct the answers.
- Exchange among themselves to
check the answers
- Write their answers on the board
Area More than
5,000sq km.
Population About 300,000.
Population About 200,000.
♦ task c
- Asks them to listen again and
answer the questions.
- Play the cassette recorder once.
- Calls them to stand up and read
- Gives correct answers:
1. What does Brunei export and
2. Give thre example of free
srevices thet Brunei citizens are
3. Why don’t most Bruneian people
want to work in the fields?
4. What are the speakers’s out door
activities on weekends?
of capital
- Work in pairs.
- Listen and check.
- Stands up and reads
1. It exports oil and imports most of
its manufatured goods and food.
2. Free medical service/ education/
parking/ entry to parks
3. Because they can earn more in the
4. She usually goes to the beach to
take a boat ride or swim in the sea.
Sometimes she goes camping in the
2.3. After listening.
- Asks them to work in pairs to
complete the following table about
Vietnam than talk about it.
- Walks round to offer help.
- Calls some ss to stand up and read.
- Asks them to remarks.
- Gives correct answers:
- work in pairs to complete
- Answers:
Area 331.690 sq km
Population 84,402,966
Population of
the Capital 3,734,000
Petroleum, rice, rubber,
coffee, fish, oil, ceramics,
Petroleum products, hi-
tech machines, steel
products, medicines.
3. Homework.
- write a letter of invitations.
-Prepare for the next lesson
Do it at home.
Prepare vocabulary
Date 7 month 11 year 2008
Period 4 : Speaking.
I. Objective .
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to state their points of view in English
II. Teaching aids:
Pictures, photos and real peole.
III. Method:
Integrated, mainly comunicative.
IV. Procedure.
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm-up.
Cross words: Divide the class into
two groups
The whole class do

2. New lesson
2.1 Before speaking.
♦ Task a
- Ask them to work in groups
state their viewpoints toward these
- Explain some new words.
- Calls them to stand up and say
- Work in groups: Ask for help if
-Work in pairs.
- Stand up and read aloud.
Compared and correct.
1. People with more than 2 children
should be force to give up …
2. A expecial tax should be imposed on
these parents.
3. The families who adopt the two-child
norm should be awarded.
4. Birth control techniques should be
made more convenient.
5. The minimum age for marriage
should be raised.
6. The government should make it a law
that men earning less than 200 dollars a
month would produce no child.
7. The mass media should raise people’s
awareness of population issues.
8. Population education progarams
should be taught to high school
3. While speaking
♦ Task b
- Have them do task b in group of
- Let them do in 10’
- Call some of them to stand up
and read.
- Walk round to offer help.
- Give them useful expressions.
S1: It says on the Web that the
families who adopt the two-child
norm should be awarded.
S2: I think that it’s a gread idea.
What do you think?
S3: I must say thay it is quite
unacceptable. Adopting The two-
child norm is their duty, not
something to be rewarded
- Work in pairs
- Read the model carefully then make a
- Practice making a dialogue of
A: I think one of our class problem is
that many of us usually litter in class.
They should stay after shool to clean it
B: That’a a good idea.
C: No surely not! We should ask them
to empty the trash can everyday within a
A: I think one of our class problem is
that many of us usually eat in class.
They should be punished by the teacher.
B: That’a a good idea.
C: No surely not! We should ask them
to clean the class everyday within
2.3 . After speaking.
- Getting ss to work in pairs to talk
about a competition they have
seen or participated.
- Calls one or two ss to stand up
and say out.
- Guide lines:
 Type of contest.
 Number of contestants.
 How it happened.
 Final result.
 Overal impression
- Work in pairs to talk about a
competition they have seen or
- Stand up and say out.
3. Homework.
- Ask Ss to practice speaking at
- Prepare for the next lesson
- Practice speaking at home
-Look up new words
Date …08 …month 11 year 2008

Period 5: WRITING.
I. Objective .
- Help Ss how to describe trends in graphs.
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to write a letter to ask for and give
information about competitions.
II. Teaching aids:
pictures, photo, real person .
III. Method:
Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure.
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm-up:
Asks Ss to write down:
1. some adverbs of manner, describing
speed (of change)
2. some verbs that mean “ become
bigger in size or number”.
3.some verbs that mean “ become
smaller in size or number”.
- Work in pairs
1. fast, rapidly, quickly, sharply,
steadily, gradually, slightly…
2. rise, increase, go up, raise……
3. decrease, fall, decline, go down,
plummet, drop……
2. New lesson
2.1 Pre - writing
♦ Task a
- Asks them to work in pairs to under
line words that show the population
trend. Then match them with the
- Call some of them to stand up and
read aloud.
- Correct mistakes.
- Work in pairs.
- Stand up and read.
Underlined words:
1.Remain unchanged. A gradual
2. On a steady increase.
3.To fluctuate, a rise, remain
unchanged, a fall.
4.To fluctuate, a steady rise, steady
1. C 2.A 3. D 4. B
♦ Task b.
- Asks them to work in pairs to find
out suitable words to complete the
- Write in the exercise books.
- Look up new words in the
1. sharp rise / slightly /increasing
2. slight increase / remain
unchanged / sharp rise / on the
increase .
2.2 . While writing
♦ Task c
- From the description of information
in graphs, elicit the general outline of
a graph description
• A General statement (title,
what the graph is about).
• Trends at different times or
significant points of change
• Overall trend
- write the general outline
- State a grahp
¤ Based on the title.
- The graph shows that
- According to the graph
¤ Based on the graph
- Looking at the graph, we can
- There was a
- There will be
- After that
- In general, the number of
3. Homework
- Ask Ss to prepare for the task c at
- Write the homework
Date …09…month 11 year 2008

Period 6: WRITING.
I. Objective .
II. Teaching aids: Similar to N
III. Method:
IV. Procedure.
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm Up
- Asks them to draw a graph of their
study result
- Work in pairs.
- Ask for help if necessary
2. New lesson
2.2 While – writing (cont)
♦ Task c
- Ask Ss to choose one graph and
write a brief report to interpret it.
- Give some suggestions:
• In Australia (graph A): There
are 3 developing periods: 1975 –
1980; 1980 – 1990; 1990 –
• In Sweden (graph B): There are
4 developing periods: 1975 –
1980; 1980- 1985; 1985 – 1990;
1990 – 2000.
- Call on two Ss to write their
writings on the board
- Choose one graph and write a brief
report to interpret it
- Write their writings on the board
1. The graph describes the birthrates
in Australia from 1975 to 2005. As
can be seen, there was a slight
decrease in the first five years from
1975 to 1980. Then the birthrate
remained unchanged over the next
decade. After that, it fell sharply from
15 thousand in 1990 to about 10
thousand in 2000. In general, the
birthdrates in Australia were on the
increase over 25 years.
2. The graph indicates the birthrates in
Switzerland from 1975 to 2000.
According to the graph, the birthrate
rose slight from 1975 to 1980. After
that, it remained unchanged over the
next 10 years. From 1985 – 1990,
there was a stead rise again and it
reached 15 hundred in 1990. Then, in
the last decade from 1990 to 2000,
Sweden’s birthrate declined rather
sharply from over 15 thousand to only
10 thousand. In general, the birthrates
in Sweden experienced some
fluctuations over the period.
2. 3. Post- writing.
- Calls them to stand up and check
Ss’ writings.
- Correct mistakes
- Correct their own mistakes
3. Homework
- write a graph .
- prepare for the next lesson.
- Write the homework
Date …11…month 11 year 2008
Period 7: Language Focus
I. Objective .
- Help Ss to understand about frations, review relative clause
II. Teaching aids:
text book, teacher ‘s book.
III. Method:
Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure.
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1 . Warm-up.
- Asks them to write the
following number into words.
• 100,000
• 2.5
• 105,321
• 1/2
- Work in groups.
• 100,000: one hundred thousand.
• 2.5: two point five.
• 105, 321: one hundred and five
thousand three hundred and twenty
• 1/2 : a half.
2. New lesson
2.1 Word study: Factions.
♦ Task a
- Asks them to work in pairs.
- Ask them to listen and repeat.
- Walk round to offer help.
- Asks them to practise reading.
- Calls some to stand up and
 1/4
 3/4
 3/5
 1/3
 1/2
 7/10
Notes: Article: An/ A and Preposition :
“ Of “ are usually omitted.
- Works in pairs
- Read aloud.
- Ask for help if necessary.
- Stand up and read aloud.
- Read aloud.
 A quarter.
 Three quareters.
 Thee fifths.
 A third/ one third.
 A half.
 Seven –tenths
2.2 Grammar. Relative
- Explain
- Listen to the teacher
- Form and structure:
Số đếm (cardinal number) + Số
thứ tự (ordinal number)
• Restrictive relative clauses.
The man who is wearing a white
suit is my brother.
• Non Restrictive relative
Cina’s population is nearly 1.3
billion, which is almost 22% of
world population.
 Without commas to enclose the
 Relative word is put right after its
- Usage:
 To identify the antecedent, to
say which one we mean
This is the house where I was born.
The new immigrants who were attracted
by job opportunities in the SEZ came
from throughout the contry.
- Form and structure:
 With commas to enclose the
 Relative word put right after its
antecedent and the comma.
- Usage:
 To add extra information about the
person or thing (antecedent) we
already know
Mr Brown, who is over 70, walks 10
miles a day.
Shanghai is China largest city, whose
population density reaches 2,118 people
per square km.
♦ Exercise a:
- Asks them to read and correct
these sentences.
- Walks round to offer help.
- Calls one by one to stand up
and read.
- Corrects mistake if there is.
- Gives correct answers:
- Work in pairs. Ask for help if
- Stand up and read aloud.
1. Should parents that they have more
2. This is my sister, who’s husband
3. Correct
4. I don’t like Apirl that when is
5. That’s the country which the whose
birthrates need to be controlled.
6. Is that the factory which where / in
which you are working?
7. The man, whom I …(no commas).
8. Is deforestration, that which …
♦ Exercise b.
- Asks them to work in pairs.
- Asks them to listen and repeat.
-Walks round to offer help.
- Asks them to practise reading.
- Calls some to stand up and
- Works in pairs
- Read aloud.
- Ask for help if necessary.
- Stand up and read aloud.
1. Jack is my friend whose parents
come from China.
2. Mr Brown, who / that comes from
London, is my new neighbour.
3. On Easter Islands, where the Dutch
had gone in search of supplies, there
were only 4.000 inhabitants.
4. My sister is living in India, whose
population is
5. Next year will be an improtant period
for me when I have to ….
6. Round the conner is a building
whose windows are all broken.
7. Ann and her husband are working in
Angola where the death rate is …
♦ Exercise c
- Asks them to do the exercise
individually the compare with
the partners
- Walks round to offer help.
- Calls one by one to stand up
and read.
- Corrects mistake if there is.
- Gives correct answers
Work in pairs. Then compare with the
Ask for help if necessary.
Stand up and read aloud.
Give more examples.
2. What do you know about Brunei
whose population is only about
3. What do you kow about Australia
whose birthrates are on the decrease?
4. What do you know about Incas
where scientists have studied their
drawings in caves for decades?
5. What is East Timor which has a
population desity of 57 people per sq
6. Who is Maria Jones whose life we
are about to examine in the next class
7. What is your favorite ocean whis has
thousand of islands with beautiful
8. Who used to live here a thousand
years ago ?
9. What is remarkable about the year
1945 in our country when the
Democratic republic of Vietnam
came into being?
10.What is your ideal place to live in
which has low population density,
fresh air and free medical service?
3. Homework.
- Make up as many sentences as
- Do it at home.
- Look up the new words in the
- prepare for the next lesson. dictionary.
50 Date: November, 14,
Test45’ (N
Full name: …………………… Class: 11 C
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
1) A. pretty B. pretend C. pretext D. prepare
2) A. teachers B. arrives C. textbooks D. combs
3) A. corn B. cup C. can D. city
II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
4) A. illiteracy B. province C. primary D. country
5) A. eradicate B. minority C. campaign D. ethnic
6) A. highland B. northern C. village D. effective
I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
7) The of masses is an essential educational way of our party and people.
A. generalization B. role C. duty D. universalization
8) The loving-peace people have been working for the of World Peace.
A. access B. glory C. success D. promotion
9) There is a to raise money for the needy.
A. campaign B. mobilization C. movement D. A & B
10) A group of people from a particular or of a particular race living in a country where the main
group is of different culture or race is called
A. mountaineers B. ethnic minority
C. nations D. undeveloped people
11) The new tax policy comes into effect next month.
A. comes into use B. begins to apply C. starts D. A & B
12) A situation in which something is happening or a lot of things are being done is
a(n) .
A. work B. action C. activity D. happening
13) You’re your time trying to persuade him; he’ll never help you.
A. wasting B. spending C. losing D. missing
14) The most important thing we should do now is to tackle the problem of
widespread .
A. illiterate B. illiteracy C. literate D. literacy
15) Someone told us sit on the stairs.
A. don’t B. not C. not to D. to not
16) “Don’t forget to ring me”
A. I advised David to ring me B. I reminded David to ring me
C. I offered to be rung D. You promised to ring me
17) The doctor advised him and to take up some sport.
A. stop smoke B. stop smoking
C. to stop smoking D. to stop to smoke
18) I have told him never to buy some potatoes on the way home.
A. come B. comes C. came D. to come
19) Professional people expect when it is necessary to cancel an appointment.
A. you to call them B. that you would call them
C. you calling them D. that you are calling them
20) me to phone them before I go out.
A. Remind B. Remember C. Mention D. Make
21) The conductor asked in the bus.
A. them to please not to smoke B. that they should not smoke
C. them not to smoke D. them not to smoke
22) He told us to wait him at the bus stop .
A. tomorrow B. next Sunday C. yesterday D. the previous day
II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
23) David asked me telling him the time.
24) I warned them not climb the mountain in such bad weather.
25)They voluntarily spent their vacations to teach illiterate people to read & write.
26) The policeman ordered the suspect to not remove his hands from the car.
27) The teacher told us to keep quietly during the lesson.
III. Write the following sentences in Reported Speech.
28) “You had better go to the doctor”.
 He urged me
29) “You’ve got to lend me some money!”
 He begged me
30) “Give me your homework.”
 The teacher told us
31) “Please, don’t smoke in my car.”
 He asked us
32) “I’ll buy you an ice-cream.”
 My Dad promised
33) “Would you like to have a drink with me?”
 He invited me
34) “You should give up smoking.”
 The doctor advised me
35) “Don’t shoot.”
 The General ordered us
Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.
Parents often have dreams for their children’s future. They hope their children will have a better
life than they had. They dream that their children will do things that they couldn’t do. Parents who
come to the U.S from foreign countries hope their children will have better education here. They think
their children will have more career choices and more successful lives. They make many sacrifices so
that their children will have more opportunities. They think their children will remain close to them
because of this. Some children understand and appreciate these sacrifices and remain close to their
parents. However, other children feel ashamed that their parents are so different from other
36) Parents often dream of
A. their children’s making a lot of money in the future.
B. one day seeing their children become famous people.
C. one day living on their children’s money.
D. a bright future for their children.
37) Parents who come home from U.S from foreign countries hope that
A. their children will have a lot of careers.
B. their children become successful directors.
C. their children will have more opportunities for good education.
D. their children will make a lot of sacrifices.
38) Parents think their children will remain close to them because
A. they give their children a lot of money.
B. of the sacrifices
C. they know their children will be successful in the future.
D. they are living in a foreign country.
39) The word career in line 5 is closest in meaning to
A. education B. travel C. subject D. profession
40) The word close in line 7 is closest in meaning to
A. dear B. friendly
51 Date:
November , 15, 2008
Correct Test 45’ (N
Objectives: Help Ss to realize their own mistakes and correct them
A. I. 1.A 2. B 3. C
II. 3. D 4. D 5. B
B . I. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6.
7. C 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. C
13. B 14. C 15. C 16. C 17. A 18. D
19. A 20. D 21. A 22. B
Date 16 month 11 year 200
Unit 7: Celebrations
Lesson one: reading.
I. Objective .
- Help Ss know more about celebrations in the world.
- By the end of the lesson sts will be able to talk about celebrations in
Vietnam and some other countries.
II. Teaching aids:
Teacher’s book, textbook
III. Method:
Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm - Up :
Give some dates then asks them to
tell what celebrations they are:
☼ 8/3
☼ 20/11
☼ 1/4
Work in pairs.
☼ Women’s Day.
☼ Vietnamese Teachers’ Day.
☼ Fool Day.
2. New lesson
2.1 Before you read
♦ Task a
- Asks them to match the pictures
with the words
- Calls them to stand up and read.
- Walks round to offer help.
- Questions:
what are they doing?
♦ Task b
- Work in pairs answer the
- Ask for help if necessary.
Stand up and read aloud.
- Answers:
 They are playing under the
 They are matching.
 They are giving flowers to the
 They are going to Kink Hung’s
 They are visiting their
- Work in pairs then give the

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